Welcome to Living on the FrontLine Ministries
School Supplies: Pens, Pencils, Crayons, Notebooks, Book bags ... anything necessary to attend and function in school
Diapers (Adult & Children’s) Diaper Rash Cream Baby Powder Q
Tips Baby Oil Vaseline Moisturizing Lotion Denture Cleanser
Denture Adhesive Sewing Kits Band Aids Rubbing Alcohol
Peroxide Triple AntiBiotic Cream
This will also enhance many food programs and pantries already in existence.
Our Founders Charlie and Jamese Wynn
The Early Days
Beginning in Tampa Florida, in 1982, a miracle happened - Charlie and Jamese both coming from the Streets received deliverance from Alcohol and Drug addiction. It was at this time they met and became friends.
They each, individually, began working for Jesus. Later In 1983 through Recovery and Speaking engagements their paths crossed again and they continued to reach the lost. Then 1984 they joined forces (through marriage) for the Lord knowing a 'Strand of three cord cannot be broken'. In December of 1990 they felt the call of the Lord to move to Tupelo, Mississippi. They and their three children moved across Country at the Lord's direction. In Tupelo, they established a Recovery Club still reaching out to the less fortunate and those not so welcome in most places. In their home Church they attended at that time, they also set up a Christian Recovery program still active in 2009. In 1995, a familiar stirring began in their Spirit and they felt drawn to move to Boonevelle, Mississippi where they Pastored, and started another Outreach. Through the years and even still today they have helped thousands of Addicts,Alcoholics and others find Recovery in Jesus Christ.
Brother and Sister Wynn served in a local Church for several years. Their Ministry included work as Evangelism Directors, Addictions Counseling, Street Ministry, Teaching and Pastoral Advising. They also helped to establish Outreaches such as Nursing Home, Jail and Neighborhood Canvassing Ministries, a Local Food Pantry, and Community Events, furthermore the Food Panty later became a Distribution Center for 7 Area Counties in Ms.
In 2007 they were called to serve in Columbia SC and Planted Winners Edge Worship Center in Swansea SC in 2008 where they attend services and serve as Bishop and First Lady. Currently they serve their local community through an outreach that provides household cleaning products, hygiene and personal care products and baby necessities. They also serve as directors and instructors of Winners Edge School of Ministry.
They are still involved in Planting Churches and Outreaches today as they continue to serve the Lord through Revivals, Leadership Conferences.
Join us in Worship, Join us in Battle ~For the Lamb~ Great is our God who is mighty in battle!
Who is the King of glory?
The Lord strong and mighty,
the Lord mighty in battle.
Psalm 24:8
Christian Counseling
Both Charlie and Jamese received deliverance from alcohol and drug addiction. After marrying, God called them into ministry. Through Biblical training, personal experience and education, they are gifted in counseling others with the problems of life, especially in the areas of addiction, family counseling and marriage counseling.
Contact us for information on our two newest books and other available media. Email
Toothpaste & Toothbrushes Mouthwash Floss
All Cleaning Products Washing Powder Dryer Sheets
Dish Detergent Soap Brooms Mops Paper Towels
Napkins Hand Sanitizer Bleach Wash Rags Blankets
Toilet Paper Shampoo Conditioner Hair Spray Combs
Brushes Deodorant Makeup Razors Shaving Cream
Sanitary Napkins Hand Towels
1803-317-1514 | office@livingonthefrontline.com
Frontline Ministries has a "Different" type of pantry.
In these difficult times many people can not afford basic needs that contribute to the quality of life. By basic needs, I mean things most people take for granted. Things like hygiene products, baby care products and even household cleaning products.
We get those much needed products into the hands of those unable to purchase them, free of charge.
We are a 501c3 organization in good standing and have a history of successfully running a food distribution center and clothes closet so we are familiar with the necessary guidelines and screening process for those in need.
If your company or church, or you personally are interested in participating in our program we would be glad to set up a meeting with you either over the phone or if you are local in person. Please feel free to e-mail me at jamese@tmcimissions.org
We look forward to working with you.
Thank you, Jamese Wynn
Below is a list of things we would like to be able to offer. We also accept product donations as well as monetary donations for this project
Founders: Charlie and Jamese Wynn
VISION / PURPOSE "They will make war against the Lamb, but the Lamb will overcome them because he is Lord of lords and King of kings — and with him will be his called, chosen and faithful followers." Rev. 17:14
Thank You For Visiting
Frontline Ministries
We are glad you found us. God is doing great and mighty things and we hope you will join us on the journey. You can count on it being an exciting one